The tomb of Anchesenamon – Tutankhamun’s wife – has been found

The tomb of Anchesenamon – Tutankhamun’s wife – has been found?

Archaeologists have uncovered a previously unknown tomb in the Valley of the Kings, which they believe to be the final resting place of the famous Egyptian queen Anchesenamon – Tutankhamun’s wife. The date of her death is estimated by Egyptologists to be around 1323 p.n.e.

Zahi Hawass, known for his involvement in the discovery, was behind the discoveryón a number of programs aired on the Discovery Civilisation channel, a leading Egyptologistóin the world, whichóry, along with his team, explored the Valley of the Królów. The discovery was made near the tomb of Pharaoh Aj (also Ay or Eje).

Tutankhamon is one of the most famous and recognizable pharaohsóin history. He reigned between 1333 and 1323 p.n.e. He died or was murdered, researchers have doubts about this, at the age of 19. In the króAt some time during his ruleów married Anchesenamon, his half-sister, whoóra had inóat the time of 12 to 15 years.. This one gave birth to Tutankhamun’s two dead córki. The bodies of mummified fetusesów found in Tutankhamun’s tomb discovered in 1922.

After Tutankhamun’s death, Anchesenamon became the wife of his successor – Pharaoh Aj. Someóers scholars suggest that she was forced to do so, and the absence of even a mention of her in the tomb of Pharaoh Aj may indicate that after the marriage, thanks to which theóru Aj gained power, she was removed. SomeóSome researchers also suggest that Aj was her grandfather. Anchesenamon was the last representative of the 18th Dynasty.

Anchesenamon’s tomb has never been found. Until now, at least according to Hawass. The archaeologist and his team uncovered holes in the ground with votive offerings, such as pottery vessels, food scraps and others, które were assembled before construction of the tomb began. – We’re sure there’s a tomb there, but we don’t know for sure who it belongs to – Hawass admitted in an interview with Live Science.

– Ancient Egyptians usually made four or five depositsóin the foundation, holes in the ground with gifts, when they began construction of the tomb. On top of that, GPR detected a substructure, whichóra may have been the entrance to the tomb,” Hawass said.

Hawass says tomb may belong to Anchesenamon. This is evidenced by his proximity to the tomb of the pharaoh Aj. A prominent Egyptologist has admitted that he will direct future excavations, whichóre soon to begin at the site of the discovery giftów votive.

Sourceóbackground: Live Science, photo. Rémih/CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons