A mysterious sarcophagus from 2,000 years ago. open years

The mysterious sarcophagus from 2,000 years ago. open years

Egyptian archaeologists have opened a huge sarcophagus of black granite that was discovered in Alexandria in early July. In the middle, they did not find the expected riches. Instead, they discovered three skeletons there.

When the discovery of the sarcophagus was announced, there was speculation that it might contain the remains of Alexander the Great himself. The sarcophagus is 2.7 meters long and 1.5 wide. Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities admitted in a statement that this is one of the largest sarcophagiów that has ever been discovered in Alexandria.

The huge sarcophagus was stumbled upon by workers at a depth of five metersów preparing for the construction of another building in one of Alexandria’s neighborhoods. The sarcophagus has not been opened for a timeóin its burial. This was indicated by a thick layer of mortar on the joints of the lid. It has fired the imagination of the archaeologistów, whichóers expected to find jewelry and artifacts inside.

Late last week, archaeologists opened the sarcophagus. However, they did not find the expected riches there. When the lid, weighing 15 tons, was lifted (the entire sarcophagus weighs about 30 tons), the eyes of the researchers revealed three skeletons submerged in the reddish slush. It turned out that there was a crack in the mortar, któThe sarcophagus was buried in such a giant sarcophagus, and sewage flowed into it.

In a statement, the ministry suggested that the remains could belong to soldiers. On the skull of one of the skeletalóin found a clear shot mark. Inside the sarcophagus, as well as outside, no inscriptions were found.

A bust made of alabaster was found near the sarcophagus. Researchers have concluded that it may represent a human whoóry was buried in a mysterious sarcophagus. However, it is in very poor condition and nothing can be read from it.

Instead of unraveling the mysteries of the sarcophagus, its opening put archaeologistóin front of new puzzles. Who were the people whoówhose remains were found in the sarcophagus? When exactly did they live? What killed them? Why were they buried in such a gigantic sarcophagus? These are the questions archaeologists will seek answers to.

Archaeologists believe that the sarcophagus dates back to the Ptolemaic dynasty ruling Egypt from 305 to 30 p.n.e. The founder of the dynasty was one of the chiefs of theóIn Alexander the Great’s army – Ptolemy I Soter. Hence earlier speculation that the sarcophagus móhead contain the remains of Alexander the Great.

Currently, the sarcophagus and its contents have been subjected to a detailedóThe sarcophagus has been analyzed.